Saturday, April 18, 2009

Looking back!!

Okay, so this week I managed to send invites to most/all of my hotmail contacts to try sign this petition , which gives gay people the right to marry, which means if we get marriage, that's a big hurdle crossed and at least we will be entitled to the same rights as hetrosexual people. There is nothing that is religious about the movement for gay marriage, infact it's more to do with law than religion. Whether the church wants gay marriage or not is irrelevant, we want civil marriage, which is CIVIL and not RELIGIOUS! Looking back at the petition I sent out I couldn't remember where I signed it (as everyone is allocated a number). Searching through all the people who electronically signed it I eventually came to my name and comment....number 700. It only started in March (19th) and ten days later on March 29th when I signed it already it had 700 signatures. is April 18th (one month later) and in the 30 days that it has been up our target was 2,000 people but when we reached 1,500 it changed our target to 8,000 which I think is great...we need to have something to aspire to (both the movement and in life) and if we reached 2,000 we would have been like, "Great, what now??" but the fact that it is being a realistic goal is helpfull!! I say realistic as 8,000 people might seem alot but in 30 days today, 1618 people (by 13:11pm) have signed the petition which on average is roughly 60 people per day signed the petition...does that give you a sense of the anger, and rage as well as the amount of people that do not approve what the Irish Government are doing!!??

Tomorrow (Sunday 19th) exactly one month after the petition was launched at 2pm there will be a protest outside Central Bank, Dublin with speakers like Michael Barron to highlight the importance and NEED for marriage and it's rights to be universally equal with no gender specifics!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning the petition Evan,
    officially following your blog by the way!
